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Researchers: Get Your ORCID!

Posted: 11/2/2018 (CSDE Research)

An Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) is a persistent digital ID used to accurately link researchers to their work.

Registering for an ORCID allows you to be correctly linked to your publications, keep track of your work, and distinguish yourself from researchers with similar names. An ORCID also stays with you wherever you go (including moving institutions), makes it easier to submit a history of your work for papers and funding, and automatically integrates with manuscript and grant submission workflows. Optional features can automatically update your profile with newly published articles, as well as let you to control what information is seen and added.

Some organizations and journal editors already require an ORCID, many others have an ORCID login option or a way to link your ID with your work. For instance, journal editors may ask for your ORCID when you submit a manuscript, the NIH asks you to consider including your ORCID in your SciENcv account, PubMed lets you search for authors by their ORCID, and research networking sites like ResearchGate let you add your ORCID.

How to create and update an ORCID?

  1. Register to receive an ID directly on ORCID.
  2. Add your position title and affiliation.
  3. Import references from a source such as Scopus, Europe PMC, Dimensions, and/or CrossRef Metadata Search, or manually.
  4. Consider authorizing CrossRef to automatically update your profile.
  5. Import your grants using the ÜberWizard or manually.
  6. Use “Account Settings” to manage your privacy preferences.
  7. Use your ORCID when you submit articles for publication or in other research workflows.

UW Research Data Services can also help researchers on campus establish their own ORCID IDs. Email or follow the simple steps provided by the Health Sciences Library.